About Me

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Like most people, I love to eat. I love to cook. And as of a year ago on Dec. 26th...I love to do it all in a healthy way. I'm living proof that all you have to do is change minor things in your life and you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. In one year, I changed how I ate (portion control), what I ate (not a lot of fried food, more veggies, less alcohol and sugars) and added a little exercise in my life (3-4 days a week for 30-45 minutes). And at the end I am 52 lbs lighter :) That was 3 years ago… and I've kept the weight off. These recipes have helped me keep it off and are easily adaptable for any and all diets. Just use a little imagination and let your stomach guide you :)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

A little ORANGE CHICKEN to brighten your day

One of Nate's favorite recipes when he wants something "different"

What you need:

1 lb of chicken (I use the precut strips at the grocery store...saves time later)
1 can frozen orange juice concentrate
4 T (tablespoons) of ketchup
4 T soy sauce
1 cup brown sugar

Stove Top Directions:

1. Place chicken in a large skillet and put over medium high heat. (Sometimes I add 2 T of olive oil to   
    give the chicken a light toasted coloring
2. Cook for about 4 minutes and turn to other side
3. While cooking, cut chicken into bite size (or smaller) pieces in skillet
4. Add orange juice, ketchup, soy sauce, and brown sugar
5. Continue cooking on medium heat for about 10 minutes. Flavors will blend together and sauce will 

Crock-pot Directions:

1. Cut chicken into bite size pieces (or leave whole...it will shred easily later)
2. Add orange juice, ketchup, soy sauce, and brown sugar
3. Turn on: high for 4 hours
                   low for 6-7 hours
4. Cover and forget it.

Serve over rice, with veggies, or just eat it by itself (it's that good!)

Healthy Options:

1. Use a reduce-sodium soy sauce
2. Instead of brown sugar, mix a little flour (2-4 tablespoons) to thicken sauce
3. Add veggies when cooking chicken like peppers, carrots, corn or brocolli
4. Drain chicken of sauce (leave a little extra on it) and use it as protein/ dressing in a spinach salad 

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